Digital Maneuver Playbook

Version 0.1

A guide for helping organizations delivery technology to users faster

The Digital Maneuver Playbook

This is a playbook, or field manual, that helps technology organizations deliver value faster.

It is open source, CC0 licensed, and is available for use and modification by any interested parties.

It is comprised of two main components:

  1. A higher-level overview and set of prerequisites for building speed in innovation and delivery of software projects within organizations. This is more strategic content designed as background for the remainder of the plays.

  2. A set of plays that can be used as reference material or an FAQ of sorts. Plays are designed to accelerate progress and adoption by providing structure and addressing common questions and concerns.

The plays are designed to be used as reference after the higher-level organizational and cultural changes have been made.

Some plays were sourced from other excellent works:

Defense Innovation Board Software Acquisition and Practices (SWAP) Study

USDS Digital Services Playbook


Google Site Reliability Engineering Book and Workbook

18F Automated Testing Playbook

Strategic change (prerequisites for plays, to be expanded)

  • Software is never done
  • Software is Eating the World
  • Software is not a cookie-cutter endeavor. Most software projects, though they use common tools, are solving a previously unsolved business problem.
  • Workforce and culture (do you have qualified people in the right places and do you listen to them?)
  • AI is just Software + Data. If you can’t do both, you can’t do AI.


If you find have ideas about topics that should be addressed or find problems, please create a new issue.

If you’d like to contribute to the playbook, please create an issue so that we can flesh out the idea for the contribution before you start working. This can save you time in the event that the contribution is already addressed elsewhere. Alternatively, feel free to clone the repository, make your modifications, and send a pull request to be evaluated.

Note that before any pull request can be merged, you must add your name to the file to serve as your signing of the Developer Certificate of Origin.

More to follow.